Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cute cute cute!

My father-in-law sent me this video from youtube. It has to be one of the sweetest videos I have ever seen.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Friday, February 20, 2009

The classics

A list was sent to me on facebook, and on the list were about 150 classic books. The person who sent the list to me checked off all the classic books she had read. I was supposed to go through the list and check mark all the ones I read. I was completely embarrassed to find that I had only read about FOUR of those 150 books. That is pretty sad isn't it? Jeff was totally shocked when he found out I had only read 4. He asked me if I had any required reading in high school. Yep, I had required reading....those 4 books. I absolutely love to read, and always have. I just don't like being made to read a book. It always takes away the excitement of it all. Plus in junior high and high school I am ashamed to say that I read mostly romance novels, and cutesy teen novels. My senior year, we were required to read a book for Bible class called "This Present Darkness" by Frank Peretti. I was completely sucked into that book, and the other book that followed "Piercing the Darkness". That changed my reading habits quite a bit. I stopped reading the romance novels, and got into the Christian authors like Janette Oke and Tim LaHaye. I also started reading books that helped me grow in my walk with Christ. When I got the list for the classics, I realized I should read some, just to see if I would like them. My first one I chose was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I do have to say that the book was wicked hard to read at first because of the old English writing. I finally got the hang of it, and did enjoy the book. I wasn't riveted by it like I am with the Left Behind books (my favorite books), but it was a decent book. I would like to either read the Lord of the Rings books next, or a C.S. Lewis book. I really should read Little Women first. Sad to say I haven't read that one either. My hubby even read that one! He had a reason to read it though.... he is related to Louisa May Alcott. She was in his family line. Pretty cool huh? I guess I need to go find my copy of Little Women.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chicks in the city

It sounds like a movie title doesn't it :)? I have been getting some emails from my wonderful online friend Fox. She has been sending me pictures of her chickens. I have always wanted chickens. I have had names picked out for them since Jeff and I were first married. That makes me laugh typing that! I had names for my kids picked out, and names for my chickens. lol! Two of the chicken names I wanted were Nadine and Imogene. They sound like chicken names don't they? I always wanted chickens for laying, not chickens for eating. There is no way I could eat Nadine Noodle Soup. It would just be wrong. Since we moved from the country to the suburbs, I have pretty much tossed out the idea of ever having chickens...until recently. I read that many people are raising chickens in city limits. They have just a few, maybe three of four, just for eggs, and they are like pets. It is not illegal, unless you have a rooster that causes trouble with the noise. You don't need a rooster to get eggs. I live in a subdivision, but I am on the outskirts of it near a rural road. I started reading how to raise chickens in the city. It actually is possible. I haven't breathed a word of this to Jeff. He would probably think I was completely crazy. So Honey, if you read this, just think of how cool it would be to get free eggs anytime we want, instead of having to buy those $3.75 a dozen organic free range ones :).

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

When I woke up this morning, there was snow all over the ground. We had warm weather last weekend, and all of our snow melted. It was the first time we had seen grass since November. Now the grass is covered again with snow, and it is still snowing. It sure looks pretty. I am going to make some heart shaped pancakes for breakfast after I get off the computer. Jeff and I are going to drop Evie off at Grandma's so we can go out on a date this morning. I am looking forward to it. Last night Jeff, Evie and I went out to a mexican restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day as a family. We had a good time.
I wanted to look really nice when we went out as a family yesterday, so I put my hair up on top of my head in these wrap, snap and go rollers. I had them in all day. It never fails though. I could look mega glamourous and no one would ever come over to see me. It is when I look hilarious that everyone decides to drop by. It is just a fact. On an average day, I get up and get ready and put my makeup on and do my hair all in the morning so that
I am ready for the day. On those days, people don't come to my door. I had to clean the house yesterday, so I had old jeans on, a ratty t-shirt, no makeup and these curlers in my hair. Lovely. Then my neighbor, who has only come over maybe once in the entire time we have lived here decides to come over and visit. Then someone delivers balloons to our door for Evie. The curlers made me look like I was wearing a Mickey Mouse hat (the picture doesn't show the true "look"). It was all pretty funny. I guess it is Murphy's Law that when you look your worst is when people tend to show up. At least my hair turned out pretty decent, so it was all worth it :).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank you Jules

My online friend Jules awarded a few of her favorite blogs with this Lovely Blog award. Hers was awarded by someone else, so she wanted to bless others with the same award. She is such a sweetie :). Thank you Jules!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A funny picture

I saw this picture under the title "Why people from the city should never move to the country". For those who are from the city, and you see this is a possum!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The crazy English language

We had a day like this today....
Yep, it was a bit of a crazy day. The English language is such an insane language to learn when it comes to reading. We have been learning about homophones. Those lovely words that sound the same but are spelled different with different meanings. Like the words red and read, or led and lead. Evie is getting the homophone thing. It's words that are supposed to have "rules" and then the rules change that get to her. Like words that have two vowels like the word "rode". The rule is that the e at the end is telling the o to say it's real name. She got the hang of that completely, and was doing great...until she starts seeing words like "love" and "come". Okay, so that "e tells the vowel to say it's real name" rule just got changed. We had about 20 of those changing em up and not following the rules words today. The book called them sight words. I call them pain in the neck words. Then there are the words that have the exact same spelling, and different pronunciation. Like read and read, lead and lead. We had a bunch of those today too. The book didn't even attempt to explain why in the world we have words that spell the same but are different. She finally just looked at me like this whole thing was just crazy. I don't blame her one bit!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Faith of a child

For those who commented on my ribs, thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I am doing much better, and I know it is due to prayer. On Friday night, I was in such horrible pain that every time I moved I was in tears. Evie laid her hands on my ribs and prayed for me. The next day, I wasn't doing too bad. Evie kept praying for me. Then Sunday I woke up and hardly even noticed the pain at all! That was no shock to Evie :). She knew God answered her prayers! So it was a cool thing to see Him heal my body so quickly. I am so thankful!! Jeff said we aren't going to do any more X Games sledding :).

We have been doing really well with the gluten free/casein free (gfcf) diet. I have been amazed at how much stuff there is at the store that we can eat. Jeff found a chocolate cake mix in the health food aisle at the grocery store that was gfcf. He made it for the Superbowl party, and it was really good! I would never have known it was gfcf! I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate more beans into our diet. I love beans, and they are such a great source of protein. Plus they are gfcf. I'm just trying to figure out a way to make them less....noisy. Lol. The other day I was looking online trying to find ways to make beans less gassy. I wrote down everything I found, and am going to try the first idea today. I am making curried lentils, and I am actually soaking the lentils (which isn't necessary since they cook quick). I am soaking them in baking soda and water. That is supposedly supposed to help take away the gassiness. We will see. As I was writing down all the ideas, I couldn't help it. I started singing the "beans beans" song. You know how it goes. "Beans beans the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel, so lets have beans for every meal!" My word, I felt like a junior high boy just typing that. Evie heard me sing that, and she laughed and laughed. Then she wanted me to teach it to her. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I did. Tonight we will have to see if the baking soda soak worked. If not, I am reminded of the church bulletin blooper....We will be having a bean supper. Music will follow.