Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The craziness of it all

I'm sitting here in our rental house as I type this. It has been an interesting week and a half! We moved in a week ago Saturday. The house wreaked of dog smell, so we shampooed the carpets in hopes it would help. It didn't. We bought an air purifier, which has helped quite a bit. My first day here, I wanted to go home SO badly. I almost packed my bags and left. The memories of this town came flooding back, and not in a good way. This town held some seriously bad memories from me. I lost my babies in this town. I got really sick in this town. I went from being super full of life to being a shell of who I was. When we moved from here 4 years ago, it was such a healing time for me to leave. I feel like such a different person now. I'm not sure why God has us here. I have had to really work through a lot of feelings. I know that God is a healing God, and I believe He is wanting to heal my heart in the areas where there is hurt. One seriously crazy thing is that Jeff has had 2 interviews with a company up where we are from, and where our house is. He has a 3rd interview on Friday. This one is supposed to be the final interview. If they offer him the job, we will probably be moving back home! I can't tell you how much I want that to happen. I also want to be where God wants us to be, so I'm trying to be open to that. So that is the story of our life right now. We are spending the weekend up in at our house, and it may be a really interesting weekend!


SchnauzerMom said...

Too bad you couldn't find out about the job before you moved. It would have saved a lot of work. God's will can be hard to understand at times.

Unknown said...

SchnauzerMom, at least we only moved a truck and small trailer full of stuff! It would be worth it to me to move back, even with all the work :)!

K said...

wow that is a lot, makes you wonder what God has in store for you, hopefully either way it is all settled soon and you can get back to living life


April said...

Wow, you're kind of living in limbo for the moment. That can be exciting and stressful at the same time. I hope you get to move back home if it works out that way, but I do know that sometimes we are lead different places for reasons that are hard to understand (at last while it is happening). Whatever does happen, I'm sure you'll put a positive spin on it and handle it well. You seem to roll with the punches. :)