Saturday, June 27, 2009


We bought a new exercise machine for the abs. I'm not sure if it is gimic or not, but my hubby got a great deal on it. It is called the Ab Circle Pro. It is one of those machines that claims to get rid of those love handles that no one loves :). It is actually quite fun to use, but I'm not sure I will look like I have washboard abs after using it. I guess only time will tell.
It is supposed to be a nice weekend here, and not so hot. Hopefully we will get to go in the kayaks some. Jeff's parents have borrowed them recently, and they have been through a bit of a war. Jeff's dad took someone who had never been in a kayak before on a really fast river. He borrowed our yellow kayak, and spent the majority of the time upside down in the river! Then they borrowed the red kayak to go kayaking on the river with some friends, and again tipped over a bunch of times. They had to drag the kayak to shore, and it was filled to overflowing with mud and river water. I haven't tipped in our kayak, and I have no desire to tip! For some reason, the whole idea of it just freaks me out. Not that I don't wear a life jacket, but it is just the idea of it. Jeff thinks I should just purposefully tip so I will get over my fear of tipping over. I'm not really thrilled about that idea.


Jules said...

Actually it's a good idea to take the kayak somewhere where you can learn to tip. That way, if you ever do tip, you won't panic as can sometimes happen. A swimming pool is good - where the water's clean and you can see - if you know of someone that would be happy to let you use theirs. We like the sit-on canoes because they're so stable and if you do somehow manage to come off you're not caught upside down with your legs stuck!

SchnauzerMom said...

That exercise machine looks like an instrument of torture. I hope it works for you.